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Kamis, 23 Juni 2011


By theteckoes curut
One ground straight bermaisan kutelusuri path.
Only accompanied by moonlight I went through step by step.
Balalang busy chirping of the night and other animals who sing eerie feel.
Reminds me of natural death.
Decorated with dark colors and stones around a looked at me as if rigid.
Bearing the sacred name of the list of virtual residents.
Erotic floated lonely wind snatched the foliage.
From a distance as if the person being mengintaiku step.
Had it occurred to me I was the prey of those who are looking at me.
And at times can mencekram.
I realize that I'm not alone here.
But I tried to tuk be confirmed liver.
I am not here to deal with the dead.
Just ride set foot.
I understand before I was desolate here.
Then I felt also another nuance in this place.
Maybe this is just my fear alone.
By heritage to the virgin flesh.
Virtually all are the same place is not much different.
It was just my eyes straight ahead.
No kusempat not see all sorts.
Suddenly a white shadow glimpsed and then disappear
I know this is what I'll see munkin
Towards the end of curiosity.
Beautiful face with wide eyes.
Pasih pale white skin.
Knee-length curly hair.
Thin lips smiling sadly with spooky moan.
Tears turn to test blood.
Wrinkled hands with long nails.
I crept forward reach.
Immediately I felt the match for my shoulder.
Adrenaline starts to rise I can not help then I fainted

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