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Kamis, 23 Juni 2011


By theteckoes curutThe sun soared, manunjukkan time passes and a half days. Passing by each person making this street was never quiet. I wonder what they are doing and where the goal can never understand. Currently topping the smoke they never realized heat adds to the atmosphere today. Below are two large trees in bloom kuberteduh from the sun which has m emutih, I sit and look at trying to cheer the sad tuk.From left kumendengar softly series bergemih voice, are approaching from a distance, faintly and slowly began to be heard clearly. Suddenly, a figure little boy standing in front of me, I do not know where it came from? kutengok other direction when it amounted to one of two people who are far away on the other side stood amongst the streets. They wear the same clothes koko white cap was wearing a sarong with kelompen pilgrimage as footwear.Children boarding school I thought ..! then what is he doing here? While he held out a casket. White box that reads "for the capital you die" sign above the hole so I can fill.With a bit of breath he was saying "pack donations seikhlasnya mosque" and then a small sigh. When I saw his face dark red, thin body is supported two legs are tired. Looks like he had walked away in the sun "this pack to the mosque ... ... .." she said again in a tone a little forced.I stood still made as if struck by a myriad of flavors ibah and a thousand question marks?. What is a jihad? What happened to religion in these days as if antiquity happen again where religion tries sturdy stand.Ironically children this age are supposed to chew the school but what happens otherwise they do not properly served. I thought in Islam takpernah in teaching this kind of fact they are now living as hunter metal under the pretext of the divine path. Not like a schoolboy who has many dreams.Only money in your pocket that I've got five hundred dollars later I put into a box that had long been ditopan hands thus mukanyapun bit brighter and had a twinkle as if he's got a treasure, five hundred dollars they are looking for a fighting spirit.I tried plainly asked him "what you sons boarding""Illicit.", He repliedYou're still in school. "? Ask me againNo., "he saidWhy are you begging for charity box mosque premises.,? Ask me again'To memebangun mosque and all make a living., "He said again, looking cars that began to speak premises sepiker away. Apparently the car was also part of his job, a car that memberiakn little ceramahan and prayers for those who want to do good to him.After that he ran toward the car while continuing the same work as before asking for donations to all religious people even other people. He kept running without a care about who had just started breathing regularly and legs are just beginning to calm down. Kaishan ..!!" that small children had to run to measure the old road was sitting in the car calmly. "if too little whether people would care to charity so they have to take to the streets (I thought to myself.) after I knew that it was a new method of scavenging fortune. Make a living with a little touch of religious, building mosques to open employment. It was something that made me think of greeting nistah rosululloh "at the end of the day in which men compete to build beautiful mosques then the apocalypse is near."

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