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Kamis, 23 Juni 2011


A short novel by Mas Theckoezcurut, this is just a piece of the story about Darmini. This story only exists in my imagination and never really existed in the real world other than Legend Darmini. Darmini who was born in Java, which is nothing but a giant duck which was born by a female snake. At least that is implied by tales of children to those who cursed fate without sin. Darmini melody, like the terror that struck him around, no friends at his side, even hewanpun not want to be a pet let alone a lover. Bum liar just not willing to sink his cock into the pubic Darmini. Someone will throw up all his intestines as he thinks to wrestle in the romantic climax of bilateral lust with him.Darmini not a curse that is so true highlight though was so very dreadful curse as if he was cursed by a witch ten thousand, one hundred million gods and demons dedemit hell. Her face was plain though a little strange, sometimes transformed in such a way that it can attract men, at least lonely man with an eye cataracts. He will always keep up to age should girls who love romance dibias although they had to wear a mini dress. Even though most seductive wanton clothing that is looking curves of a woman's body perfectly. But, alas, even his body almost like a paper-thin notched a wobbly if the wind a bit harsh.He always gave a sad sensational dedicated to him and his friends. Then they will laugh at the absurdity of it together and then he will smile bitterly aware of the absurdity of him who sometimes often goes unnoticed. After all he is a modern legend in early 2008. Small campus and the tree in place bringin a faithful witness to the life that he looked more like gatekeepers large and singup bringin it. When he sat down under it alone, maybe he's waiting for a handsome prince who would propose or savior god who makes the most beautiful women on earth, even the angels to take his life should end the suffering. No man is absolutely perfect on this earth.Darmini not the stinging smell of rotten eggs or tai kebo nor the cold, he's just bad luck man who was attacked. "There may be a prop person's eyes when the saw". Maybe he should like to believe Surti more feelings than logic, or whether she is a beautiful princess behind the mask. What is clear is a saying do not see a book by its cover. Perhaps he is a happy man in history. Darmini never really despair in his life even though sometimes he says "not as beautiful as the ancient". That is the age in which he only lived in his mother's womb for 8 months, at which time he could feel a part of the most beautiful of his mother, before she was released from the mother's genital opening and into something bad for the world. Luckily he did not end up in the toilet because it is considered as the floor by a doctor who helps her mother in labor. So unlucky fate when I was ten years old to adolescence he never ignored people who hate him even though no one except his mother who still loves him. Understand her feelings very clear that even her disappointment. Her mother never thought she was trapped in the world dedemit humans though everyone was talking on their little hearts respectively.Once when he had a great surprise, when there was a man ahead of him even though he knew the man was blind "maybe she fell in love with me" said Darmini. "Love is blind," he said again. Full of confidence he approached the blind man and said "what you're attracted to me?" The blind man simply silent "you've looked at more than 5 minutes. The blind, I assume you're attracted to me because no one man has ever looked for it "he said again. "What are the consequences?" Said the blind man. "So you should marry marry me". How happy he was blind at that time, he did not think he would be able to marry a woman instead of a monkey who is always with him since the cave demon when she meditated and studied. He never thought a woman like herself who never bathe and use only clothes made from a pile of leaves. Eventually all four legs will serve (2 = real feet), (1 = stick), (4 = sex). "You're not afraid of me" said the blind man. "I'm from the cave demons and many demons around me" she said again with the most convincing tone. "You are those who would fear me, if your eyes are still functioning because I was the devil of the most obvious around the current" replied Darmini. "It would be the king of demons kukawini" replied the blind. Then finally they got married at the full moon night. Hearing that the villagers Sido Sane very nervous. Curse the devil will open and will attack the village. Darmini actually a reservoir victimizing all the calamities that occurred in the village of Sido Sane. If there is to marry her, and cut off virginity Darmini the curse will come back into catastrophe scurvy, affecting the harvest of the population. Village Chief advised its citizens before 28 days after the first night, Darmini must be killed with a hatchet and then his spirit 212 inserted into the pitcher and then drowned in the South Sea. "The ax was going to be found where?" Said one resident. It is the sudden urge mayor meant that all citizens understand what they should do. So to plan a more mature village chief will hold a closed-door meetings. "Well ... if so we will call a meeting to divide the task" replied the chief. In a meeting held them to form two groups, first group of hatchet job search Darmini and then kill anyone who prevents the blind from the cave, including Satan and his demons though. The group was named Tekos Corot. The second group tasked to form the village's defense from behind the attacks, as well as organize a guerrilla strategy. Both groups decided quickly. Village Head and residents began collecting cassava champion-champion who has been trained to fight any kind. Of all the warlords in the village's most formidable is Mak child Duwo Dlowor Bongky XX generation. Alas Roban Dlowor Duwo alumni are located in Twin Mountain. He coached kanoragan sciences and physical sciences since birth. Seventeen years ago Duwo Dlowor kidnapped by Bats Wewe then taken to the Alas Roban. His mother died after learning her son was taken away Bats Wewe though the village chief told him that Wewe Bats have enough milk to feed 10 children Gameloft. Duwo Dlowor has now returned to the village after 17 years of age and energy in practicing science. He only uses the drawstring from the foliage green color with no clothes. Her skin is jet black and long hair tousled make it more like Gameloft than humans. Body 4 x bigger than a normal human being and he had an arrogant nature. He wanted to kill Darmini without the need to ax 212. "Tell me where Darmini old man, I would send him to hell with my hands" Tanya Duwo to the village chief. "How confident are you with what you say it Dlowor?" Said village chief with a little fierce. "I was able to drown the sun into the sea" replied Duwo. "You need not drowned he will drown himself in the twilight arrives at the sea west" voice that suddenly appeared from one of the village warriors petty. Duwo Dlowor feel slighted by saying that, he threw it away swordsman anchovies into space and then back to the village chief said: "Now you'll see the real strength Old Man". "Enough ... enough ... I will negotiate about it" said the chief. Then he went to Kazor Sentanu to tell it. Hearing such talk, the second group named Piti Tekos chaired by Kazor Sentanu (black magic) would have to think about both strategy and finally make a decision to allow Duwo Dlowor to snuff Darmini own. While Corot Tekos fixed on the goal to find axes 212 and powerful pitcher. Kazor utilize Darmini Duwo to spend energy and the blind so that they are more easily killed later. He also sent spies Zetsu to provide information about enemy forces. Zetsu will be sent to see the fight against Darmini Duwo Dlowor and the blind man of cave demon.Duwo Dlowor go it alone after living in a hut knows Darmini suffered in a sea of ​​sand the top of Mount Bromo. He traveled for three days and three nights to finally reach the sea of ​​sand of Mount Bromo. He saw the little hut and without thinking he meremat little hut with a hand from a distance until it merges shack without form. But he did not find Darmini in it. "I do not feel the chakras Darmini" said Duwo disappointed. The hut was only kept a small monkey named Javan Kasarung. "O people berkolor green, what are you doing with this shack?" Said Monkey. "I'm looking for Darmini" java Duwo. "He's not here, he's honeymoon with the lord of the blind to China" replied the monkey. "If so I'm going to China" said Duwo. "If you stop me I'll eat you alive," he said. "Then you have to eat me alive because I will not let you hurt Darmini" answered the monkey. Finally the fight that is not balanced it is inevitable, Duwo stuck his hands into the earth until the land was split into two. Langur fall into the soil fractions were isolated into a monkey then stuck his claws into the walls of the ground to hold. Now he is flanked by both the soil. Tree roots in the soil was suddenly moved and binding on both hands monkey until he could not move. Immediately Duwo back close again to close it with a fraction of land sandwiched monkey in it. But the monkey is not dead, he's tearing up the ground from the resulting earthquake is so devastating. Mount Bromo spewed lava, the trees fell. Hot lava was about Duwo Duwo but not dead. It's like rain bouncing lava from the mountain and then fell down to the grown. Langur out of the ground attack again but Duwo Duwo fend off attacks by ambush and then hold it and then throw the monkey into the larvae of Mount Merapi. "If the earth could make you die, then I'll drown you in the larvae of this heat." Langur falling into the larvae and die. Mount larvae that had been spewing heat into the air, immediately cease and quiet (until now people always throw Bromo animals goat and its offerings into the larvae to Bromo, erupting in every event Kasodo. They believe in the monkey larvae are still alive but could not get out. They and goats to feed the monkey friend in the larvae). After the finish Lutung, Duwo went to China with his power he through the boundaries of space and time. He tracks Darmini chakra energy until he actually saw Darmini sat on the wall of China. "Darmini mention your last wishes" said Duwo. Darmini knows that Duwo not being okay to say "Get off of my face" replied Darmini. "Of course after you die" he answered with a run before then melesatkan horses to Darmini death blow, blow stance twin mountains. Clenched hands shot into the chest Darmini after position within the range he had expected. The movement is like the wind "seeeet buaaarrrr ... ... ... RRR !!!". China partially chipped walls of buildings, rocks strewn everywhere. Hempasannya down trees to 20 feet in front of him but he was surprised to see Darmini not budge in front of him there was no injuries or scratches at all on him. He remained in his seat before. He saw the blow hands still in position to attack it, held by both hands of the blind is open until Duwo increasingly furious. He melesatkan again bogemannya with a different stance. Bogeman now it's more powerful, hands Duwo issued a fire and then he turns Tap your hands so quickly to the blind and Darmini. Once the enormity of that moment until his hands Duwo like meteors that rained the blind. Knowing that the blind man was sure he would not be able to hold that moment. He sped away as fast as lightning brought Darmini far back and blow it on the walls of the great wall of China. Destroyed most of the Chinese wall and make it split into two. The fight increasingly narrow and dominated by Duwo Dlowor. The blind down from his flying Duwo avoid punches and stood at the top of the tree with carrying Darmini. Then he sent home to Mount Bromo Darmini with knowledge transfer through space and time while he prepared for a battle with the drawstring Dlowor Duwo ijo, the blind and the fight Dlowor Duwo 7 days 7 nights. Both attacked each other relentlessly. The fight was like lightning invisible to the eye, grab and destroy anything around him. The Chinese people's menggangap vicious thunderstorm. Gods are angry. Only one Chinese person who knows that it is a battle of two equally strong creatures. He was named Hang Liyang Liyung. He saw the figure of the blind like a monkey and look like a Buddhist Duwo Dlowor great. Then he thinks it's battle with the monkeys sacred Buddhist Julai. Hang Liyang Liyung continue watching the fight. On the other side of Zetsu also observed while giving information about the strength of the blind to Kazor. Hang Liyang Liyung considered the holiest time in China. There was no sin in him that no matter how small it is capable of seeing things invisible and can go to heaven to meet the gods. On the other, he is also the author of the history of religious deities. He wrote stories on the fight as a magic monkey. At the death last fight monkey magic tricks issuing a conclusion. After all he is a warrior of all time who meditated in a cave demon for a century. His body is his soul practicing asceticism in the jinn and trained by a hundred million jin, gondoruwo, kuntil children, pocong, tuyul, lime priests, nuns ngesot, sundel perforated, Susana, Freddy, Jason, and witches. None swordsman who can touch him except Duwo today. But now the blind have been very angry. He slammed his stick that extends to Duwo Dlowor. Duwo Dlowor who had not died crushed concrete at the old church building had once worked as a mason, holding sticks ampitan the blind with two fingers. Without thought Duwo, stick it later enlarged into a giant snake and ate Duwo Dlowor and dive into the deepest ocean trench in the Indian brought Duwo Dlowor Pasai in his stomach. After that a new wand suddenly appeared again in the hands of the blind without Duwo Dlowor never appear again forever.Zetsu back to the village and gives information kekelahan Duwo Dlowor Tekos Corot was the group has found a young man with an ax 212 was three days earlier, he was named Heru Sableng of Komodo Island. According to legend he was born from an egg dragons long before the island was inhabited by millions and became the island of Komodo dragons. Heru Sableng also no doubt of his power although it is very strange and sometimes can not be illogical by the brain. Sometimes he likes to melonglong like wolves at night and every day like a child of 8 years. One day Kazor Sentanu with the village chief and pembesa-magnifying make the most important meetings in the attack Darmini. All members meeting to hear a strategy to concentrate fully discussed by Kazor Sentanu except Heru Sableng busy jumping up and down on his desk, sometimes upside down and busy with activities that not clear, but seemed to understand the nature Kazor Sentanu Sableng Heru, he understands the legend axes 212 possessed only by a freak just because of the great miracle of the axes 212 make people insane, to eliminate common sense, a curse, as well as the bad influence brought someone. Therefore Kazor Sentanu and mayor need strength. Madness at the meeting did not make Heru Sableng not understand the strategy Kazor Sentanu and his friends but he is one of the most clever and suggested the blind to trapped by locked him into a giant steel shaped like a boat. Then strengthen the group by making the spout tekos to $ 5,000 million tenglot member Zetsu is cloned with a time of 10 days, then $ 5,000 million members tekos Poti by raising the undead through the power of black magic Sentanu Kazor. Residence time of 8 days. Corot Tekos group and the group eventually moved stormed Tekos Piti Darmini, being blind to invite all members of the unity of his magical creatures to survive after he learned of the spy djinn that will attack the village chief to kill Darmini.The war began ghost against zombies (undead) who assisted Jenglot clones. It's like fighting spirit against the body, the spirit against the body, the Lord Jesus or the god of fight against vampires. The battle of all time that will change the world and give pieces of history in the world. 7 days 7 nights 7 hours 7 minutes 7 seconds the fight lasted strength both are mutually weakened. All the dead soldier was left. War is very cruel menyisahkan piles of corpses mounting, and only 5 people left blind by Darmini against Kazor Sentanu, Heru Sableng and village heads. Heru Sableng and his friends started his strategy, he will forward one on one with the blind with the blind man's shadow binding Kazor Sentanu village head from behind while preparing the steel boat. When Heru Sableng successfully approached the blind man and his shadow unify the shadow of the blind shall be bound by the science binder Baying Kazor Sentanu creation, whereas if Heru Sableng feels in danger it will be interesting shadow quickly to the rear, while the blind cave demon of evil spirits entering tubhnya 1000 niche dwellers of hell to increase its strength and use the fog to obscure the view of tactics the enemy. Of course it moves the mainstay of the blind because he saw the enemy with his mind's eye that can not be obstructed by anything. Of course, this battle must end before sunset, before the curse Darmini a disaster. Heru Sableng throwing axes 22 that rotates like a boomerang that never stop chasing the blind anywhere. Not infrequently the blind man as he dodged the ax fight with Heru Sableng fist fights. Besides the blind shall keep shadows from Heru Sableng. The blind juggling like a wand into a giant pillar of the sky. He slammed into Heru Sableng like billiard balls or a barn that poked holes pounded leaves and large deep well. At that time the fight took place in Arab countries, lightning-fast draw Sentanu Kazor Sableng Heru from the blow. He put Heru Sableng to the moon and then the fight continues on the moon. Heru Sableng melonglong in exceeding loud voice that could melt iron supersonic up to the lunar surface besides a lot of holes because longlongan Heru as well as blow the blind canes. Piling lunar soil to earth fell into the meteors that destroyed part of the United State. Fierceness of the fight in the month to make some aliens researching and plunging to earth with a plane plate. They find out what was happening during the time in the earth before they return to their planet. When both fighters returned to continue their fight on earth, one when they both fall into the ocean The impact was so powerful that it caused a big earthquake in the sea and the tsunami in Aceh due to overflow of sea water. The village head told Kazor Sentanu that the steel boat is ready to pull Sentanu Kazor Heru Sableng to Java again followed by the blind. Reached the area near the boat, they went on a fierce fight that the blind man spraying poison poured from his mouth. Toxins that can rapidly diffuse to the air and even gaibpun creatures can die when inhaling. Heru withstand the poison by making a whirlwind tornado of hand movement and spell "cat, goat, horse" Heru said. Then the air containing the poison was thrown away by the storm I suggest to Europe. Finally, without realizing the blind shadow bound by Kazor Sentanu stance, not by Heru Sableng body but of an ax which continued after him and attacked him from behind. Once the blind to avoid the fire attack Heru Sableng and almost on the ax before the ax stuck in the shadow of Heru Sableng with spells Kazor Sentanu attached to the ax, so that the blind can not move was so unexpected, and indeed very intelligent with Heru Sableng so the blind can not move anymore and Heru told Kazor Sentanu Sableng bind the shadow of the blind before he was finally buried the blind man with a boat and made the hills Tangkuban boat. After the victory was murdered by an ax 212 Darmini but her spirit is not included in the jug magic wand but a piece of the blind which is then converted into and exchanged with jugs jugs magic by the blind ape men when members of the village head off guard. The village head, Heru Sableng and Kazor Sentanu not know the plan has been prepared by the blind as a second plan if he loses, they (the village chief and Heru Sableng Kazor Sentanu) throw the pitcher at the widest and deepest ocean to prevent the plague village called Village Pasuruan. In the sea turned into Nyi Blorong Darmini, snake man born to Kendiyan has turned into a snake at the bottom of the sea and drown Darmini do vengeance with some of the Village Grati Pasuruan called up into the lake, and killed one by one the fishermen who went to Segoro (sea) Kidul. Hearing that the village chief Heru Sableng and Kazor Sentanu want to end the dispute peacefully because if it continues to fight the hostility that occurs deeper and bigger so they invite Nyi Blorong (Darmini) along with his crew (Sea Warrior) into the deciding round table konverensi peace with the requirements on certain days the inhabitants had to throw the head of buffalo into the sea as victimizing, as a meal along with traditional cakes. Up until now they do it and do it after the harvest fields and rice paddies. On the seabed Darmini be pretty highly revered queen even though his subjects are the sea genie.

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