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Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Gymnastics brain, healthful PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL

Do you know the human body that work most every day is maximal brain. Our brains work 50-100 times more leverage than other body parts. Besides the brain is the control center of our body. The brain is very important in all activities. A healthy brain makes us think positive so they can make us more spirit with a clear mind. The brain as ions in the body, the more often used less and less performance. Age also affects the nerves of the brain, the older brain nerve increasingly loosened. Therefore many of the parents often forget / senile and unable to think.
Well, the medical experts recommend that people do brain gym at least 2 times a week as a doctor's advice, healthy lifestyle and always think positively and to maintain health. To complement the physical and spiritual needs we have to do brain gymnastics. Some responses from those who do gymnastics brain says that brain exercises make them forget the disease disappear slowly, avoid stress, feel younger and can address the matter calmly.Recognition was justified by Dra. Hj. Sumarti Suparjiman, brain gymnastics consultant and head of Brain Gym Club Indonesia's view of brain exercises can help maximize the right brain and left brain, brain exercise is body movement coupled and integrated so that help maximize brain function.According to the research community generally mas mice curut Indonesia prioritize the use of the right organs, organs of the body's use of the right hand constantly. In the long term can cause the brain to the left unencumbered. This is understandable, because the system of our brains work with a cross body, if body is work left then the right brain that works. These conditions resulted in the burden of the right brain and left brain lame. Gymnastics brain would facilitate the burden of the right brain and left brain can be equal and balanced, and the brain work more optimally.Movement of the right brain, left brain or right, not good. With a brain exercise, the two parts of the brain's movement became more balanced and good. Natural examples, the children began to crawl. Children who are left often crawl will train left brain and right dimensions so that better than children who are not accustomed to crawling. If the mother is more fun and getting used to hold the baby, the balance will be reduced child, crawled so irregular movements and brain to be synchronous. Unlike the case when the children get used to crawl. He was able to move irregularly, brainpower and intellect grow well.During this time, the brain is usually more gymnastics performed by those aged 50 years and over. Though this is very important brain gymnastics performed by infants, children under 3 years of age or pre-school age and women pregnant. Certainly the movement of children can be helped parents, and pregnant women who take care of nuns helped. Thus, brain gymnastics not only for their elderly. Gymnastics brain is very important to do by the mother who was pregnant, because it can ease tension, as well as prepare the muscles or the effect of relaxation during labor.For those who worry, anxiety and stress facing important deadlines you do these exercises. The reason, problems occur because of the barriers that organs can not accept electrical bio. When strained motion, energy will not enter. For that we must relax the face of stress. The elderly often experience tension in his neck so that the energy will not enter. Consequently, the function of hearing loss. Naturally, when the brain gymnastics performed the elderly stay fit, healthy and fit.If early brain gymnastics done routinely, menopause can be delayed his arrival. Even at a certain stage of exercise, brain exercise can be a means to prevent disease and facilitate healing.
EASY MOVEMENTBrain gym movements are very simple and easy to do. The main focus throughout the movement of the brain to get the increased energy that can also equate emotion. In the elderly are less mobile every day should require 30 seconds to practice. Not only through the exercise of the brain, it could also get used to write and read. Events like that make the left and right brain to keep working.Brain gym movement itself should be done sequentially. 7 minute workout enough for anyone. When you have time, at home or anywhere, preceded by drinking enough water, to help provide energy directly to the brain, aids digestion and metabolism. You feel, drowsiness will go away, so had misgivings, anxiety and stress.In each movement, the brain is activated, so it must be regularly performed. If not early, the ability of both the brain easily reduced or not optimal. This exercise can not predict success, unless routinely done early. For the success of the exercise should always be positive thinking. Know, negative thinking makes the muscles tense, the energy can not enter the brain and the body's energy shortage.
BRAIN BALANCEPsychiatrist Prof. Dadang Hawari, MD, PhD said, the balance between left and right brain is very important. Right brain usually contains things that are emotional, and artistic feeling. While the left brain is more dominant on something that is rational and abstract. Usually the right brain is used more by men, while the left brain is used more by women.For that the brain must be trained on. If not trained, premature aging is difficult to prevent the arrival. Good balance of the brain that make the elderly still have a good memory, intelligent and artistic flavor remains high. However, all that needs to process the exercise, could be through therapy, exercise, brain exercises and so on. So, the God-given brain should always be used. Thus, the disease will not come. If the disease already exist would be easily lost. If we make, the immune increases, the disease was rare to come. Do not forget, still maintain positive habits and a healthy lifestyle.
MOVEMENT brain gymnastics
Movement is very easy to do brain gymnastics. You only need about 7 minutes each practice. Motion phase sequence:

Before exercise, drink water.
Perform a complete abdominal breathing (inhaling and then exhale) as much as 4-8 times.
Do the brain switch, which is to see to the right and left body for 4-8 complete breathing.
Do hooks relaxed. The movement is divided into two: the first movement, relaxed breathing for 4-8 complete. The second movement, the feet placed flat on the floor. The ends of the fingers and toes touch each other for 4-8 complete breathing.
Do a metaphor. This movement to integrate the brain. The trick, stretch your arms wide as possible and convenient. Imagine the left brain and right into one while bringing together both palms of hands for 4-8 complete breathing.
Perform a positive point by touching the points on the head of the left and right for 4-8 complete breathing.
Perform cross-motion. Legs are crossed by turns as much as 10-25 times. (UMU)


Avoid stress, anxiety and depression.
Avoid pollution. Polluting the air that causes lack of oxygen absorbed into the brain, so the brain does not develop optimally.
The brain needs nutrients. Therefore, eat nutritious snacks. Malnutrition causes impaired brain function.
Exercising regularly to maintain balance and maximize brain function.
Do worship to maintain balance and calm the brain. (General)

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