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Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Masturbation can brighten FACE

Face Dull, Dirty, black berFlek caused by acne (acne vulgaris) and the oil glands (glands) of oil glands is what closes the pores so comes blackheads. this usually occurs during adolescence, the process of menses, during pregnancy. Because in those times sex male hormone (androgen) becomes active, and many of these hormones can increase oil (sebum) are also other factors.English term preformance matsurbasi namely (jacking off, wanking or jilling off) are in the Java language that is (nge lo co) is in the Indonesian language (masturbation) jock language (coli) likely matsurbasi performed on men between 95-97% of women 60 -80% masturbation in women is usually done by inserting a finger in the vagina or sex tools, cucumber or eggplant incidence in women masturbation is usually done when widowed, Jablay or sex maniacs. masturbation can also be addictive.Masturbation is often accompanied by inadequate nutritional intake of indirect effects are too often weak and tired masturbation can also make the joint brittle bone (osteo porosit) red eyes strained nerves can also make low blood and can lead to phobias (mental disorder) if it is done continuously will be permanent so if Andah already feel somewhat kopler / going crazy good idea to never masturbate, but it also can cause irritability.Besides the negative side of masturbation also has a positive side too:1. Help reduce migraine (forget for a moment)2. Improve the mood down3. Helping women feel Relax4. Improving symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is easily upset or offended, especially in women who are menstruating5. Etc.Another benefit for the perpetrator masturbation (matsubator) that can make the face fresh and clean tampk Ian blackheads from oil, according to the understanding while (hypo thesis) during masturbation penis not only remove the gland but also the androgen hormones testosterone that is issued. When masturbation penis forced to issue without hormone stimulation is a non alamian This makes the penis intact including hormone release hormone androgen andogen if it continues to decrease the oil production will decline.Nevertheless masturbation forbidden in the religion because it is fornication hand.Benefits of masturbation on the religion of al:Prevent the occurrence of adultery a sin greater gender but depending on the person jgReduce the number of births kharam (born outside of marriage)And others think of their own.So first I hope this discussion can take positivnya theteckoez Klian curut visit my blogger and get crita-crita other interesting or look in the forum discusi theteckoes curuts community group. The next episode (next on) how to create your own website very easily, quickly and optimally menghsilkan

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