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Rabu, 29 Juni 2011


by: Pramoedya Toer)

A. INTRODUCTION1. BackgroundThrough the works of Indonesian literature, especially post-colonial literature, describes the life of the nation of Indonesia under the colonizers, the oppressed. Understanding, society and the reader, through a literary work is a portrait of the life of the Indonesian people during colonial rule. Literary work entitled "MENTAL NATION colonized" Pramoedya's work reflects the subtle wiles. However, the effort of fighting spirit burning tirelessly, in a state gentingpun not give up. Through the works of Pramoedya Ananta Toer, obtain information, complete understanding of the mentality, the expected data acquisition efforts to build a positive culture of Indonesia. Where in the colonial era oppression of the Indonesian people are very memperhatinkan. Andre Gunder Frank in (Bill: 1994) argue that colonialism actually towards the transfer of wealth from the colonized areas to the area pengkolonisasi, and hamper economic development success.
2. Discussion2.1 Theory / ApproachesUnderstanding the expression above background to complement the understanding necessary to hold a review as supporting information problems occurred."Andre Gunder Frank in (Bill: 194)" actually argues colonialism towards the transfer of wealth from the colonized areas to the area pengkolonisasi, and hamper economic development success.By reading the opinion, indirectly the life of a society can be observed the difficulties of economic development. Can imagine the difficulties."If the current economy people live peacefully and safely, in accordance with the selefel tarap community life (simple), can indulge in accordance with their fields, this may apply to the community at large.
2.2 AnalysisWith efforts to examine the literary works can also be done with the understanding of social phenomena, which occur closely associated with the literary community as an object which is described in a work. And social phenomenon inspired the author in presenting literary works.
2.3 ConceptAs a basic presentation of literature to be effective and attractive, making the readers and the public gain a positive response in response to a work, it is necessary to set forth the opinion of experts in literature, to be meaningful.According Willek (1999, 111-112) there are three classifications of research literature include: Authors should:a) Directing attention that follows the author include social status, ideology embraced literature, his personal views as a member of the community.b) focused attention on literature as a script / text implies social phenomenon.c) Directing his attention to social influences.
2.4 Quotations as evidence:The phenomenon of society is the study of sociology, in his personal view is inseparable from the context of society (Sariban, 2009: 10).
3. ConclusionBy understanding, considering the views outlined above proved that there is a close relationship between the literary work with people's lives, so that literature is a historical document of a particular society.Mainly about the literary work entitled "Literature colonized MENTAL NATION INDONESIA postcolonial" (Tetrologi novel This Earth of Mankind, Child of All Nations, Traces Steps, and Greenhouse, works of Pramoedya Ananta Toer) as the history of Indonesian people living in the era of colonialism to be known by future generations, Indonesian people in general that we still love and preserve the glory of the nation and the State of Indonesia. Let us fill in this freedom with all its activities in accordance with their respective fields.
4. BibliographyBill A. Gareth, G. Hellen T. 1994, The Post Colonial Studies Reader, London and New York Routledeg.Endra Swara, Suwardi. 2003. Literature Research Methodology Epistemology, Models, Theory and Applications, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Widyatama.Toer, Pramoedya Ananta, Year ... ... ... ... .. (Liberation Edition) Child of All Nations. Jakarta: Hasta Mitra.Toer, Pramoedya Ananta, Year ... ... ... ... .. (Liberation Edition) Traces Steps. Jakarta: Hasta Mitra.Toer, Pramoedya Ananta, Year ... ... ... ... .. (Liberation Edition) Greenhouse. Jakarta: Hasta Mitra.Sariban, 2009, Theory and Application of Research Literature. New York: Lantern

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