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Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Windows 7/Vista overcome the easy solution you who always ask for updates

Did you ever have the WAT update install on your windows (KB971033) if yes brarti you've got a flutter like windos wallpapers are false then the pairs will be lost and the computer will be overloaded or slow because many tersimpen update files on your computer in order like a native again do the following:

for windows xp
The first activating the hidden everything and then search type WgaLogon.dll rename (rename). etc. into. old3 then search again type WgaTray.exe rename (rename). exe to. old3

Windows 7 and vista

Seven or Vista for windows

The first turn off windows update how:
go control panel then go all the control panel click acktion center well after that select the bawak pili change windows update settings select never check for updates and press okay

Install windows with this application if you do not have enough
Click the download here

Wait a day if it is still less caba my advice on this one

1. Lounch to the application loader if you do not have click here and select uninstall then restart your PC / computer you
2. Installing a loader and restart the PC
3. Visit the following website to validate Windows again:

If after installing the application loader still have not managed to repair windos you do the following:

1. boot up your computer from Windows installation disk
2. select "Repair your computer" option
3. open a command prompt
4. type in this paper "boot.exe/nt60 SYS / force" (without quotes)
5. restart the computer

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