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Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

maximize the bandwidth to make super fast IDM

Well now we will plan to download in the cafe or at a hotspot which is free but be quick, first step is reading this jelekku, title
IDM MEMAXIMALKAN BANDWIDTH TO MAKE SUPER FASTInstall IDM plus pacth and crack it if you do not have a download click hereHow to install the IDM once after first install it then install craknya pacthnya open and also how to install crack registrynya double click (to make the IDM to work after the installation I have discussed before see on the list next to me explained not so long) and go to IDM click download choose speed limiter select turn on, then click download again select the speed limiter 1410065407 select type setting on the maximum download speed of its own.
The second step Optimize IDM received data to 16, how the click options select connection type and connection speed replaced the LAN connection 10 MBs maximal change the default maximum number to 16 press apply then ok go IDM again select option - see below check connection download content download limit no more 1410065407 than every 23 hours now ready to use right now IDM next step.
Third, set your laptop / computer cafe to be able to accommodate much bandwidth as possible (NB if you are in the cafe of course bandwidth will be divided into several computers at the cafe. IDM will take away all the bandwidth if the run would be,) but the barrier to open first reception bandwidth of the computer that we want to create a download that is:Open the run ... oops! run its course this quiet disembunyika mas curut rat that is running so not a problem! microsf open word type gpedit.msc then hold control click on it gpedit.mscThen go into the system, if it is opened and then click Computer Configuration, click Administrative templates - click Network - click QoS Packet Schedule - click on Limit reservable bandwidth select enable, then select the bandwidth limit 0% click apply then ok ... computer was ready.
Now it's time see if the situation was in the cafe now in hotspotan step also the same as above but there are few additional things you must do it because the download is always heavy at the beginning so the initial download times should be running without a hitch and it should be full as banwidth power thrust, then cut / cut tissue wereles wereles other users, malicious yes! papalah certainly not cut wereles disposable tissue sofwear netcut 7dan NB to windows vista must be installed wincap netcutnya versi4.1 netcut advance if it does not have and then download sofwearnya here wincapnya complete with wincap and anti-itung netcatnya itung willing umbrella before it rains. Before you guys in the cut-back by the users wereles do not forget to install all of ya! after all equipment is completed then start the download using IDM IDM will run faster than ever this is one of the biggest secrets of IDM, after a while into the process of downloading then its release was netcut and then turn off your laptop to show one after the other that the user wereles you're not jamming cut their network, thus our brains do not rot in the know, but they remain difficult to get into the internet because we have robbed bandwidth runs out, so this plan theteckoezcurut reported

2 komentar:

theteckoez curut mengatakan...


Anonim mengatakan...

memaksimalkan bhs inggris-nya ya...GAASSSS POOOOOLLL....