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Kamis, 23 Juni 2011


This type of bad business partner that you should avoid many of the limitations that may hinder us in starting a business. This limitation must be overcome, and sometimes we can not handle it alone. Therefore, we need a partner in running our business. Good friends, could be a good partner, but not everyone can be our partner. Here are tips in choosing a partner:
Get to know our weaknesses and shortcomings
We need our partners to cover the shortfall. Get to know well our weakness, and find someone who can cover the shortage. If we lack the capital, looking for a partner that could provide additional capital, but management remains a focus for us. If we set the company's difficulties, look for people who have the power of good management. Recognize the advantages and disadvantages are also prospective partners, lest you and your partner have the same weakness.

Learn How to Communicate
Everyone has different cultures communicate, based on background and social conditions. Learn how to communicate with your partner, to avoid mistakes in future communications that interfere with the performance of the company. Someone who likes to joke, but there are also people who easily offended. Be cautious about humor, not to say rigid, and do not get too offended anyone with the style of your joke.

Equal Partners
When choosing a partner, see if he is the type of employees or just the type of boss. A type of employee who will tend to wait for orders, but expect the facilities of the company. Meanwhile, someone who has the type of boss would be someone who likes to rule everyone, including his own partner. From the outset, it must be stressed that you and your partner are equal, have an equal footing, unless other stated in the letter of agreement.

Not Much Demand
Be understanding to your partner. Do not be too demanding, but it set specific targets to be achieved the company. Partners will feel hot if you are too demanding, and the results will not be maximized.
Not Selfish
Always remember that you work together, so both should be equally concerned with understanding and corporate interests above personal interests. If one is being selfish, auto companies will split the unity.

Anyone who runs the company is very necessary to be professional. Always remember that your leadership of the company, and you have a partner who is also trying to be professional. Do not bring personal problems to the office, because it will greatly damage the atmosphere of the office.

Age your company may still rest corn, and your looking for partners to develop the company. So, you are required to always save money in the use of company money. There is no point if you add a partner or raise capital if your company money-scattered waste.

 Your partner, even though he is a person you trust, it is still everything to black and white. All movements should have a firm legal basis, so it will not happen something unexpected later.

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